About Emmanuel

What We Believe

Our statement of faith binds us together and summarizes our core beliefs. This statement demonstrates our connection with the beliefs Christians have confessed for centuries as well as establishes our contemporary connection and unity with all who confess the same evangelical beliefs. We strive to not only confess these beliefs, but to live them out in every area of life.

Reverent Worship

Worship is essentially ascribing to God the glory he deserves. “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness” (Psalm 29:2).

Meaningful Membership

Our statement of faith binds us together and summarizes our core beliefs. This statement demonstrates our connection with the beliefs Christians have confessed for centuries as well as establishes our contemporary connection and unity with all who confess the same evangelical beliefs. We strive to not only confess these beliefs, but to live them out in every area of life.


Emmanuel Bible Church exists because God exists. We exist because Jesus Christ has promised to build his church and he has underwritten that promise with his own blood. We exist because the Spirit made us into one body. We have been redeemed to worship God and to display his excellencies to our community and our world.


Our statement of faith binds us together and summarizes our core beliefs. This statement demonstrates our connection with the beliefs Christians have confessed for centuries as well as establishes our contemporary connection and unity with all who confess the same evangelical beliefs. We strive to not only confess these beliefs, but to live them out in every area of life.