Elders, Deacons, & Staff

The elders and deacons are the two offices God has given to the church to display his care for them (1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1). The elders remind the church family of Christ’s tender care for them as a shepherd, as they equip the church to do the work of the ministry. The deacons work under the elders and remind the church family of Christ’s great sacrifice for them as a servant, even as they carry out specific tasks for the good of the church.

Brad Baugham

Staff Elder

Will Coen

Staff Elder

Rhett Gieck


Jonathan Bastoni


David Schwingle


Duel Deason


Norman Bunn


Brian Pinner

Minister of Worship

Janine Gieck

Nursery Director

Margaret Bastoni

Administrative Assistant & Children's Ministries

Sherry Ferguson

Welcome & Gretting Coordinator

April Schwingle

Fellowship Coordinator