Children’s Ministries

The Bible is clear that parents have the wonderful responsibility of training and instructing their children in the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). At Emmanuel, we are excited about partnering with parents as they learn to apply the gospel to their children’s lives by teaching and training their children to love God with all their hearts and to love their neighbors as themselves. Of the many tools God has provided to help parents with this challenging task, the local church family is one of the most important. Emmanuel provides several ministries to support and encourage parents in fulfilling their challenging, but rewarding responsibility of child training.


We provide childcare during all our services in a safe, clean, and fun environment. Each of our caregivers undergoes a background check and follows guidelines to protect them and our children. Our caregivers take every chance to point our children to Christ, while allowing parents to freely participate in the body life of Emmanuel.

Children's Church

We provide children’s church for 3-5 yr. olds during the morning worship service. Children begin the service with their parents in the sanctuary. Before the sermon, the children will be dismissed to walk downstairs with their class leaders for the remainder of the service. Parents can pick up their children from the 3-5 yr. old classroom following the service. Snacks will not be provided during children’s church at this time.


Children love stories and the Bible is full of some of the most exciting stories ever told. Our desire is to help our children see that God is the hero of every story in the Bible. As with our nursery, each of our caregivers undergoes a background check and follows guidelines to protect them and our children. Our children’s curriculum is fun, exciting and designed to train our children to notice how our good and powerful God is working deliverance for his people and his glory through Jesus Christ.