New to Emmanuel?

We’re glad you’re here.


FBT @ 9:15 AM | Prayer Service @ 10:00 AM | SUNDAY WORSHIP @ 10:45 AM

200 E Butler Rd, Mauldin, SC

What to Expect

9:15 AM

Congregational Prayer

We gather every Sunday morning for a time of corporate prayer. Sunday is not the only time of the week believers from Emmanuel gather for prayer, but it is the most important time. We follow the “A.C.T.S.” pattern in our prayer service: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. For one hour every week, we pray joyfully in keeping with Jesus’s command to “Watch and pray” (Matt 26:41 ESV). We add our voices to the disciples of the first century and cry, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).

Join us, and add your voice, too.

10:30 AM

Congregational Worship

Every Sunday morning we gather for congregational worship.

On the first day of the week, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and second person of the Trinity, rose bodily from the grave triumphant over sin and death (Rom 1:1–6). Christ’s resurrection was the receipt that our sins were paid in full, the dawning of the new creation, and the sign that He was making all things new. So we meet every Lord’s Day to celebrate His resurrection, the assurance of our sins forgiven, and the hope of life eternal.

God only gave us fifty-two days to gather for corporate worship, so we treat each one as precious. We work hard not to forsake gathering together in person for worship (Heb 10:24–25).

God’s life-giving word regulates our heartfelt worship. We worship in the means and manner God prescribes: we gather to read the Bible, sing the Bible, pray the Bible, preach the Bible, and see the Bible in the ordinances.

Congregational Bible Study

During the fall and spring, we meet Sunday mornings to study the Bible or topics the Bible addresses. Usually, our teen young adults meet for their time of biblical instruction and the adults meet in intergenerational elective classes (Titus 2:1–10). Discipleship times for children run throughout the year as one way we work to declare God’s glory to the next generation (Ps 78:1–7). During the summer, we meet on Wednesday evenings for Bible study and fellowship.

What We Believe

Our statement of faith binds us together and summarizes our core beliefs. This statement demonstrates our connection with the beliefs Christians have confessed for centuries as well as establishes our contemporary connection and unity with all who confess the same evangelical beliefs. We strive to not only confess these beliefs, but to live them out in every area of life.