Emmanuel Bible Church exists because God Exists. We exist because Jesus Christ has promised to build his church and he has underwritten that promise with his own blood. We exist because the Spirit made us into one body. We have been redeemed to worship God and to display his excellencies to our community and our world. This is our story …
The last book of the Bible pictures the end of human history – a great mass of people from every tribe and language and people and nation who are all assembled to praise Jesus Christ for his work on the cross. After a year and half of traveling across the United States, Emmanuel’s lead pastor, Brad Baugham grew convinced of the need to live in light of the this final photograph of human history. That meant only one thing for him – starting a church. The question was where to begin.
In the fall of 2003, Brad began an internship at Heritage Bible Church in order to begin plans for starting Emmanuel Bible Church. Heritage has always had a vision for starting churches, having helped establish five other churches both in the Upstate and across the country at the time. Early in the planning stages it appeared God was leading towards establishing a gospel-centered congregation in Salt Lake City, Utah. But as the internship progressed under the oversight of the elders and input of the congregation, it grew obvious that God would establish Emmanuel Bible Church right here in the Upstate.
With the eager approval of Heritage, Brad began looking for a place to plant another Christ-centered congregation in the Upstate. On June 26, 2005 a core group of people began gathering for worship at a temporary location. Those were fascinating days as we watched God gather an energetic, caring and eager fellowship of believers to form a new church.
On September 17, 2006, Emmanuel Bible Church officially launched with fifty-eight people covenanting together to care for one another and our community to the praise of his glorious grace. A year later the church settled into our location in the great city of Mauldin. We are excited to be a part of God’s pursuit of men and women in Mauldin and in the entire Golden Strip area. We invite you to join us Sundays as we seek to worship God and enjoy him forever.