Treasuring Christ in the New Year

BIBLE READING PLANS for 2024 Read the Bible God reveals himself in Christ through his Word. You will never know Christ apart from reading his word. Read the Bible (Psalm 19:7–13). Read a Different Translation Reading a translation that we use most often can make us read on “auto-pilot,” so that we don’t focus as […]
Meet our Guest Speaker for Reformation Sunday

Dr. Charles “Chuck” Barrett Sunday, October 29, Dr. Charles “Chuck” Barrett will be speaking during the Family Time and prayer time at 9:15, followed by preaching in the corporate worship service at 10:45. · During the 9:15 hour, Dr. Barrett will speak on the life of Zacharias Ursinus, who was the principal author the Heidelberg […]
Christmas Sunday & Communion

Skipping Christmas? “I hope it’s not too late to make you reconsider your decision to cancel [or miss] church on Christmas,” writes Kevin DeYoung. “Take the week off from Sunday school. Make things closer to an hour than to an hour and a half. Skip the life groups or even the second service for a day. […]
Meet our Guest Speaker this Week

Tim Hamer As part of our emphasis on missions in December, we have guest speakers come to challenge us about the need for global missions. It’s a good time of year to think of missions because missions are the purpose of the incarnation. The babe in a manger came to seek and save the lost […]
Meet our Guest Speaker this Week

Dr. Mark DeVine Dr. DeVine grew up in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and graduated from Clemson with a degree in Electrical Engineering. Gloriously converted from an early life of drugs, Mark has served as a pastor in Indiana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Missouri, and Alabama, and also as a missionary to Bangkok, Thailand. Along with numerous theological […]
Reaching & Teaching

Missions Talk You need a way to learn more about mission agencies? Reaching & Teaching has partnered with 9Marks on the production of an episodic podcast, Missions Talk. Missions Talk will be a regular conversation about the biblical and practical elements of missiology as well as explain the too-often-overlooked connection between healthy churches and global […]
Intersectionality and My Adoptive Family

by Trent Hunter “Intersectionality, sweetheart.” That’s how I answered a question from my then 9-year-old daughter. She asked me what I was reading about. As it seems like many pastors were busy doing in 2020, I had retired for the evening to my chair to ponder one of our many social challenges. The rest of […]
Christians Should Rejoice Over Dobbs

by Carl R. Trueman The Dobbs decision has revealed fault lines in American Christianity. These fault lines lay just below the surface for a long while, but are now clearly exposed. As long as abortion was legal by Supreme Court decree, it was possible to identify as pro-life but keep that commitment at the level […]
When the Mob Shows Up the Monday After Roe

by Michael Lawrence About 7:00 p.m. on Monday, three days after the Supreme Court overturned Roe, between 75 and 100 people assembled at a park near the church I pastor in Portland, Oregon. In broad daylight, they marched to our office building two blocks away. Half of that block is occupied by our building, which […]
Meet our Guest Speaker this Week

Dr. Andy Naselli Andy is an associate professor of systematic theology and New Testament at Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis and one of the pastors of Bethlehem Baptist Church. Are our words not enough? Go ahead and take a look at his blog where he reviews a number of matters and shares resources ranging from […]