Read the Bible
God reveals himself in Christ through his Word. You will never know Christ apart from reading his word. Read the Bible (Psalm 19:7–13).
Read a Different Translation
Reading a translation that we use most often can make us read on “auto-pilot,” so that we don’t focus as well.
Reading a different translation can help us focus and understand the Bible better.
This year read though a different translation.
Which translation is the best? The one that you will read.
1. ESV (English Standard Version)
The ESV is an essentially literal translation of the Bible in contemporary English.
2. NET (New English Translation)
The 60,000 translators’ notes lift the NET into a class of its own. The NET Bible text alone, apart from the notes, is beautifully balanced and reliable (see Andy Naselli’s summary of the NET Bible).
3. CSB (Christian Standard Bible)
The CSB was created using optimal equivalence, a translation philosophy that pursues both linguistic precision to the original languages and readability in contemporary English.
4. NLT (New Living Translation)
The NLT combines the latest biblical scholarship with a clear, dynamic writing style that communicates God’s Word powerfully to all who hear and read it. It renders the message of the original texts of Scripture into clear, contemporary English that was written to be read aloud.
5. NASB (New American Standard Bible)
The NASB is a literal and accurate English translation because it consistently uses the formal equivalence translation philosophy. This method translates word-for-word from the original languages as much as possible. At the same time, it recognizes the need for the translation to be readable.
6. KJV/NKJV (King James Version/New King James Version)
As Martin Luther’s translation shaped the German language, so the KJV translation did with English. The KJV is written in Elizabethan English and thus not as accessible for some modern readers. It remains, however, a beautiful and faithful translation (for an interesting read on the KJV, see Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible by Mark Ward).
Note: If you want to think more about Bible translations, see these two articles The Best All-Around Book on Bible Translation and Which Bible Translation Should I Use?
Read Deeply. Read Widely.
(Scuba Diving & Snorkeling)
Reading deeply, like scuba diving, focuses on going deep with a part of the Bible. Spend time studying a book of the Bible in depth. Read deeply.
Reading widely, like snorkeling, focuses on viewing the whole of the Bible by reading through the Bible. Spend time getting a sense of the drama of our redemption by reading the entire Bible (or the Old Testament or New Testament.) Reed Widely.
For reading deeply and widely, …
See the plans below.
See these two short videos Pastor Brad did for stockpiling recourse to read deeply and widely with another member of EBC, or even an unbeliever.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Use a Plan
Plans save us time by helping us not waste time thinking of what to read.
Plans also help us read systematically, so that we treasure every word of God’s Word.
For Digital & Online
1. YouVersion Bible Reading Plans
2. ReadingPlan App
ReadingPlan helps you track your progress as you read through the Bible.
You can start a plan at any time, progressing at your own rate or on the schedule dictated by the plan.
You can optionally link to an online bible site to see the plan’s readings in the application’s built-in web view, or open the reading in one of many native bible apps.
For Families (with kids & for kids)
1. The Biggest Story Bible Storybook.
104 Engaging Bible Stories for Ages 6–12 with vivid illustrations. Kevin DeYoung explains why he wrote another children’s Bible.
2. Unfolding Grace for Kids: A 40-Day Journey through the Bible
Children ages 8–12 are invited on a guided journey through 40 select Scripture readings to uncover the unifying message of God’s Word.
Each of the 40 readings is tailored to help encourage consistent time in Scripture and features newly written introductions and illustrations (there is also an edition of this plan for adults, too: Unfolding Grace: 40 Guided Readings through the Bible).
Free PDF Study Questions for Family Worship
For a Certain Time
1. 5 Day Bible Reading Plan (Chronological Approach)
Read the entire Bible (or just the New Testament) in one year while only reading five times a week.
Five readings a week gives room to catch up or take a day off to focus on other Bible reading or spiritual disciplines, and makes daily Bible reading practical and do-able. Printable PDF here.
2. In 90 Days (Entire Bible)
In 30 minutes a day, read the entire Bible in 90 days (two “grace days” are included). You’ll see the big picture of God’s great story unfold before you.
3. In Six Months (Just the NT)
4. In a Year (or Two)
M’Cheyne’s Bible Reading includes four passages a day—two for the morning and two for the evening.
If followed, the daily readings take readers through the New Testament and Psalms twice each year, and through the rest of the Bible once.
If you want a slower pace, simply read the passages for the morning for the first year and the evening passage for the second year.
Before beginning the plan, read Don Carson’s quick article on “The Excellencies of the M’Cheyne Bible-Reading Plan.”
In addition, Carson has written a one-page devotional companion commentary that covers each chapter in M’Cheyne’s plan. The series of books are entitled For the Love of God (they are available in the EBC bookstall).
You can read Carson’s commentary online for free or hear a daily podcast. Reading through M’Cheyne’s plan accompanied by Carson’s succinct comments will shape the way you read the Bible and help you see how it all fits together.
For a Chronological Approach
One Year Chronological Bible
The chronological approach reads through the Bible arranged in the order the events occurred. This viewpoint allows you to read the whole Bible as a single story and to see the unfolding of God’s plan in history. Access a printable PDF here.
For Reading Redemptive High Points (at your own pace)
1. Redemptive-Historical Bible Reading Plan.
The plan curates the key chapters of the OT that help frame the flow of redemptive history (how God has worked in history to bring about his plan of salvation).
Most sections of OT readings include NT chapters that shed light on fulfillment in Christ.
You can go at your own pace and pause however often you want to dig deeper and reflect on what you are reading. Printable PDF.
2. Unfolding Grace: 40 Guided Readings through the Bible
Discover the overarching storyline of God’s Word as it is revealed through 40 Scripture readings drawn from key points in the biblical narrative. Each passage, coupled with brief and accessible commentary, will help you follow God’s grace as it unfolds from Genesis through Revelation.