Meet our Guest Speaker for Reformation Sunday

Dr. Charles "Chuck" Barrett

Sunday, October 29, Dr. Charles “Chuck” Barrett will be speaking during the Family Time and prayer time at 9:15, followed by preaching in the corporate worship service at 10:45.

·      During the 9:15 hour, Dr. Barrett will speak on the life of Zacharias Ursinus, who was the principal author the Heidelberg Catechism (1563).
·      During the corporate worship service at 10:45am, Dr. Barrett will preach on the theme of Christian assurance, a emphasis of the Protestant Reformation.

Chuck was a friend to EBC in its initial years of founding. He serves as Associate Pastor of Wayside Presbyterian Church (PCA) on Signal Mountain, Tennessee, where he has served for over seven years.

Previous to his pastoral ministry at Wayside Presbyterian Church, Chuck served as the Interim President and Professor of Theology at Geneva Reformed Seminary in Greenville, South Carolina, and as an Assistant Pastor at a local Presbyterian church in Greenville. Chuck serves as Adjunct Professor at Belhaven University, Chattanooga, and has written for several publications. He loves reading, hiking, kayaking, and cycling. Chuck and his wife, Bridget, have two children. Chuck has spoken for EBC before on Reformation Sunday in 2008