Meet our Guest Speaker this Week

Dr. Andy Naselli

Andy is an associate professor of systematic theology and New Testament at Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis and one of the pastors of Bethlehem Baptist Church.

Are our words not enough? Go ahead and take a look at his blog where he reviews a number of matters and shares resources ranging from children to academics.

Have we met before?

Have you been attending EBC for an extended amount of time and feel this name rings a bell? you’d be right to think that! Andy has personally ministered to our congregation in the past, in all three of our locations. So, in the nicest way possible, “he’s old news”. Actually, a number of ladies in our church recently read through Andy’s book on the Conscience. What a coincidence. . ? There is also an edition of this book for children if that suits you better.

Still feel like you can’t remember him, or would like to know more about what he’s done so far? Well, not to worry, we have a good host of links here to make sure you leave this post all up-to-date:

·       How to Love Fellow Christians with Different Politics. (Oct 16, 2020)
·       Does Anyone Need to Recover from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood? (May 2020) 

Or even have a listen to some of his talks—

·       How the Trinity Relates to the Roles of Husbands and Wives (2011)
·       Called to Work: How We Should View & Do Work (2013)
·       A Recitation of 1 Corinthians 1–15 (2015) 

Just a little bit more curious? Check out this beautiful children’s book he co-authored: The Serpent Slayer and the Scroll of Riddles.

So, what’s happening Sunday?

Well, to start off, this week we’ll all have less of an excuse to be late for church. Not only do we have a later start by 15 MINUTES! at 9:30am this Sunday (March 13, 2022), our special guest, Dr. Andy Naselli, will also be speaking to us twice that morning. At 9:30am, Andy will kick the day off with a talk on “Making Sense of Our Current Culture and How Christians are Responding to It.” and at 10:45am, Andy will preach from Acts 8:1-25—”The Church Expands.” We are thankful for his life and ministry and are eager to have him speak to us.

One more thing, Andy has graciously given us a copy of his unpublished document that will further expand on his talk, “Making Sense of Our Current Culture and How Christians are Responding to It.” However, we ask you to respect Dr. Andy Naselli by not sharing this file to any person outside the membership of our church, or in any form of in distribution.

Be sure to not miss the special services this week, as well as the continued privilege of spending time in the Lord’s house amongst our brothers and sisters in Christ.

God be with you all this week,

Admin. EBCupstate